Adolescent / Teenager Therapy & Counseling

Exceptional Couples Therapy & Marriage Counseling in St. Charles, IL.

Let’s be honest, raising kids can be tough. Teenagers can seem impossible and staying connected can be a challenge. Parenting is one of the most difficult jobs in the world and it can also be the most rewarding. St. Charles Counseling offers parents the guidance they need on how to help their child manage the stress and pressures they face in the world today.

Some of the issues our teens face today are new to their generation. Anxiety in teenagers and adolescents is at an all time high, according to the New York Times. Social media has put a new spotlight on social status for teens, making them increasingly worried about fleeting things such as how they look in an Instagram photo, the brand of shoes or clothing they wear or how many likes they got on their last Facebook post. At a time when they should have very few cares in the world other than focusing on getting good grades at school and having fun with their friends, kids are taking on adult worries. It’s a crossroads in life. They’re not just children anymore and they’re not quite adults yet.

Couples who practice the antidotes to these predictive factors, encouraging one another are more likely to have a healthier, functioning and more successful relationship. When a couple learns to more effectively treat one another with consideration and support – their relationship can thrive and grow!

Get counseling for your teenage

St. Charles Counseling provides excellent therapy for adolescents. Therapy includes individual counseling as well as family counseling or a combination of both. Counseling teenagers with their parent’s present is an important part of the process and can ensure that parent’s concerns for their son or daughter are highlighted. Adolescent counseling can help rebuild communication, restore trust and improve the parent-adolescent relationship. Don’t let your teenager drift farther away from you. Intervene, continue to be part of their life and help them live it to the fullest.

Adolescent Group Therapy

Teenagers place a value on peer relationship over most other relationships in their lives as they develop their individual identities. Group therapy is a way to help adolescents address issues they might otherwise find difficult to discuss with adults, while also creating a safe environment within the group, lead by a licensed counselor, that fosters peer relationships & growth. If your teenager is struggling with anxiety, depression, social issues, or has recently experienced loss or change; they can benefit from group therapy. This type of treatment is very effective in treating various problems and providing the coping skills needed.

Experienced Adolescent Counselors in the West Chicago Area

With over 75 years of combined counseling and therapy experience, St. Charles Counseling can help. Serving St. Charles, Campton Hills, South Elgin, Geneva, & the west Chicago area.

Some common issues addressed in counseling are depression, anxiety, divorce adjustment, self-esteem, grief, life transition, relationship stress involving a girlfriend, boyfriend, spouse, sibling, co-worker, parent, in-laws, etc.

Call 630-377-5105 today or fill out a contact form and we will be in touch to schedule an appointment with you.